11-01-2007, 23:25
Bueno creo que he hecho todas las pruebas habidas y por haber ( estoy un poco pesaooooo) , he probado a arrancar sin bateria y sin la bahía del lector del dvd, he probado arrancar con un solo slot de ram y con el otro, arrancar con el dvd de X 10.4 y nada, al acabar el arranque se queda congelado si es que arranca que a veces se queda la pantalla en blanco, o arranca y sale el mensaje de fondo gris pidiendome que presione el botón de arranque unos segundos y reinicie, pero esto ocurre sobre los 10 segundos posteriores al arranque si es que arranca ya os digo.
Bueno ahora supongo que el problema es de la tarjeta de carga PMU power supply o la placa base o la bateria pram, no se que os parece???
En una página de recambios indica sobre la PMU Power Supply Card, fallos de arranque, bateria que no carga, ordenador que no sale del reposo...:
This Power Supply Card was taken from a working PowerBook G3 2000 Pismo laptop, and has been fully tested. It is in perfect, like new condition, and is guaranteed to work 100% upon arrival. This is Apple part number #661-2287. If your Powerbook gets power, but nothing happens at all when you press the power button, there's a very good chance your Power Supply Card has gone bad. Replacing it can bring your Pismo back to life cheaply and quickly.
The other function this card performs is to receive and send trackpad clicks. If your trackpad clicker is acting erratically or not functioning, replacing this board will fix that problem as well.
Bueno ahora supongo que el problema es de la tarjeta de carga PMU power supply o la placa base o la bateria pram, no se que os parece???
En una página de recambios indica sobre la PMU Power Supply Card, fallos de arranque, bateria que no carga, ordenador que no sale del reposo...:
This Power Supply Card was taken from a working PowerBook G3 2000 Pismo laptop, and has been fully tested. It is in perfect, like new condition, and is guaranteed to work 100% upon arrival. This is Apple part number #661-2287. If your Powerbook gets power, but nothing happens at all when you press the power button, there's a very good chance your Power Supply Card has gone bad. Replacing it can bring your Pismo back to life cheaply and quickly.
The other function this card performs is to receive and send trackpad clicks. If your trackpad clicker is acting erratically or not functioning, replacing this board will fix that problem as well.