18-06-2007, 07:04
Agradezco tus aclaraciones ya que mi área de conocimiento está muy lejos la informática. La información la he sacado de los foros técnicos de la página oficial de mac http://www.ralphjohnsuk.dsl.pipex.com/pa...l#_sorting. En concreto se referían a una red del tipo módem ADSL con un router Wi-Fi como punto de acceso y uno o varios ordenadores.
Cita:Pause and InfoAgradeceré tu comentario para no generar confusión a quien pueda leer este post.
Ok so I will describe my set up. From there We will work towards what you need to do.
This will tend to be how I got to where I am and how I help people On-line to change things at their ends
I have a Thomson Alcatel 510v4 Modem. This can route and has 4 ports (ethernet sockets) to enable 4 computers or other devices to be plugged in on my LAN. It can do DHCP or this can be turned Off.
I also have a Linksys WRK45G wireless router which adds, obviously, a wireless component to my network. This too, can do DHCP or have it turned off.
At this stage, before I started, both were in default DHCP mode - fine for Web Browsing and Mail but little else.
Turning off the DHCP in the Linksys router did not make it a Wireless Access Point, like a Airport device would become.
Stage one was to set the modem to next device to Static Addressing This can best be done whilst the computer is connected to the modem directly.......