18-03-2006, 21:21
En el foro de NeoOffice <http://trinity.neooffice.org/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=2379> dicen que:
curently the openoffice.org group is working on porting the X11 version to Intel (there are already usable versions)
the fixes they do to that code can then be (hopefully) applied to Neo 2.0 to create an Intel version.
james or ed could probably speak more techincal on the matter.
if you have an intel machine, you can help in two ways. one, by getting the OO.oX11 Intel version and run and test it. two, =) don't go anywhere, because we'll need testers for the Neo Intel code
Por otro lado yo tengo instalado el OpenOffice ((PPC) y funciona perfectamente bajo X11, simplemente haces doble click en la aplicación, se abren las X11 y luego se abre OpenOffice. Totalmente simple, y supongo que con Mac intel será similar.
curently the openoffice.org group is working on porting the X11 version to Intel (there are already usable versions)
the fixes they do to that code can then be (hopefully) applied to Neo 2.0 to create an Intel version.
james or ed could probably speak more techincal on the matter.
if you have an intel machine, you can help in two ways. one, by getting the OO.oX11 Intel version and run and test it. two, =) don't go anywhere, because we'll need testers for the Neo Intel code
Por otro lado yo tengo instalado el OpenOffice ((PPC) y funciona perfectamente bajo X11, simplemente haces doble click en la aplicación, se abren las X11 y luego se abre OpenOffice. Totalmente simple, y supongo que con Mac intel será similar.